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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Even residential projects in this modern age have become complex arrangements of procedures and regulations. From real estate law to building code requirements, today, projects are complex enough that a team of people are necessary to bring a successful conclusion. We stand prepared to either bring you our team of professionals, or join your team.

There are multiple phases of a project, 1. Pre-design, 2. Design 3. Construction. We can bring you professionalism and expertise in every phase though our team building talent. This way we can help you navigate through the minefield that this process can become. We work hard to bring out the best in every team member, all the while remembering that you, the client, are the reason we are here. Customer service and bringing your dreams to life are our top priorities.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The American Dream

Occasionally we see a news story that declares the American Dream dead, a thing of the past. What a depressing idea.

Recently we met a man who has proven that notion unequivocally wrong. This man is wealthy, well, compared to most of us anyway. Through vision, dedication, talent and hard-work, this man built a number of businesses to the point where they are now generating opportunities for himself and others. His story is so inspirational to us because we can see that if we work that hard, we can also "make it." Yes, the American Dream is alive and well and surprisingly enough you can find it in the same place where it has always been,... within the spirit of the entrepreneur.

We celebrate those who put themselves on the line, and put in the long hours and hard work that it takes to build their dreams. That is what made this country great, and that is what is going to bring it back.

We look at the housing crisis as though it were a kind of reset on the economy. We learned some lessons from it, and now we're ready to move forward and partner with other leaders who see opportunity. From this point forward we can make this country greater than ever, time to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Aim High

Whoops, that the Air Force slogan from the 80's isn't it? Shoot for the moon, nah, that's a little to lyrical. How about Dream Big then? Yes, that's it,....

Dream Big !

There will may never be another opportunity like there is today, your buying power has unprecedented leverage. The big properties have come down so much in cost that they are becoming affordable. Don't be afraid to to look for those extrodinary homes that just five years ago were well out of reach. Today, not only are they within your grasp, you'll have money left over to remodel it, and make it yours.

Move forward boldly, and Bring your Dreams to Life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A new service,... errr, Product

That's right, we have added a product to our list of capabilities. Beginning May 1, 2012, RsODesigns will be offering stock home plans. For a nominal charge you will be able to purchase a set of plans from us ready to go. We are not like some of those other websites, these aren't crusty old designs from the 1960's that have been converted to cad. These are original contemporary designs produced with modern living in mind.

The major problem with stock plans has always been that there a regional differences in construction codes and requirements. So we will be honest right now, the plans we provide are designed per the 2006 IRC with an 18" frost depth and 70 MPH basic wind speed. What that means is for the hurricane prone areas and cold nothern climates, there is some additional work needed. With that said, these are complete ready to build sets of plans. We have researched construction materials and methods all over the country and have designed the homes to be cost effective everywhere in the continental United States.

Although the plans are ready to build, maybe you want to make a few minor changes. As with everything else we do, we will be the most cost effective way to make those changes. We'll update you when our first stock plan, "The Territorial," is available for sale, and at that time we'll let you know what the extraordinary pricing will be.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Architects Too...

With a combined 50 years of experience in design firms, we know the nature of the business. There are lean times when it becomes necessary to lay of some of your valued staff, then as the economy improves we have to staff back up just to be able to produce the work. It's really maddening when you think about it.

We can offer a solution for Architects. Let us be your production department.

We have the leadership, experience, talent and ability to produce projects of any scope. From a tiny remodel to a multistory apartment building, we can produce your design and construction documents to your specifications. Our capabilities with industry standard software packages allow us to easily integrate to your standards and expectations.

Don't staff up for that next big project, give us a call and let our flexible services work for you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Construction Documents

Whether you are an owner undertaking a remodel or a contractor with decades of experience, there is one service we provide that you can't do your project without. Clear, concise and accurate construction documents are invaluable to the success of your project(s). We have decades of experience in creating the kind of professional construction documents that you need for your project. But there's more, remember, we are the flexible design firm. We consult with you to create documents that serve your needs. In other words we use the methods, components and organization that you want to use. We will make recommendations, but ultimately the content of the documents are what you want to see.

With remodel and addition projects there is an additional stage that we also provide expertise with. As-Builting, the value of accurately representing the existing building on the documents cannot be overestimated. Too often errors occur because the existing building wasn't correctly measured or drawn. There just isn't an excuse for this, because it's crucial to your budget to get this simple step right.

Finally, we use 3D modeling software that allows us to conflict manage your job before you put a single piece of equipment on site. Imagine a job where there aren't any ducts that have to go through beams, where the plumbing and structure are properly coordinated, where there's enough fall for your sewer. We build the project three dimensionally in a digital model to save you time and money fixing mistakes. We hate rework more than you do.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Check this home out...

Check out this listing on Zillow for only $155k.

If your budget is $250 you could buy this house, which is already extraordinary, and put the remaining $95k of your budget towards remodeling and additions. This way you can maximize the leverage of your exceptional buying power.

We can help you evaluate whether this home can be remodeled to your needs within your budget.

We can also provide you with wonderful designs and 3D renderings to show you what's possible.

You are in control, Bring your Dreams to Life.