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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The American Dream

Occasionally we see a news story that declares the American Dream dead, a thing of the past. What a depressing idea.

Recently we met a man who has proven that notion unequivocally wrong. This man is wealthy, well, compared to most of us anyway. Through vision, dedication, talent and hard-work, this man built a number of businesses to the point where they are now generating opportunities for himself and others. His story is so inspirational to us because we can see that if we work that hard, we can also "make it." Yes, the American Dream is alive and well and surprisingly enough you can find it in the same place where it has always been,... within the spirit of the entrepreneur.

We celebrate those who put themselves on the line, and put in the long hours and hard work that it takes to build their dreams. That is what made this country great, and that is what is going to bring it back.

We look at the housing crisis as though it were a kind of reset on the economy. We learned some lessons from it, and now we're ready to move forward and partner with other leaders who see opportunity. From this point forward we can make this country greater than ever, time to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

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