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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Digital Staging

We've all heard the term staging. While there is some debate as to whether or not it is a cost effective tool in the marketing of homes, there is little doubt that some people very much believe in its use. The problem is that it's expensive, time consuming and limits itself to the vision of the designer who performs the staging. And,... when the house sells you have to remove all of those furnishings.

Digital staging has the same benefits to the seller and realtor, we can furnish the home and show buyers what is possible. But we do so in a manner that is flexible and much more cost effective. For a nominal fee we can provide as much furnishing as you need, we can add subtract or change all of the furnishings with a click of the mouse. We can provide you with still images or walkthroughs of the home that you can use on your website or in your office.

Digital staging is going to change the way that realtors prepare houses for sale. It's a tool for the future that is available today.

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