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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is the market back?

I get asked frequently if the housing market is making a comeback. To begin with, I don't think that I,... or anyone else for that matter can accurately answer that question. Give me ten years and I'll tell you exactly when the housing crisis ended. There are an unknown number of variables that led to and continue the housing bubble crash and recovery. I don't know if the crisis is over.

But, what I do know is this;

A. The cost of purchasing a home is likely at a low point that it will never again surpass.
B. New construction costs remain near an all-time high level.
C.  There is extraordinary value to be found in existing homes.
D. It costs less to remodel an existing home to make it perfect than it would cost to build new.
E. The Boomers are on the verge of retirement, and in Tucson they will increase the demand for housing.
F. Increasing demand will increase prices.
G. There are still huge numbers of underwater mortgages.
H. The home values in the Southwest are years maybe decades away from balancing out with the underwater mortgages.
I. It is possible to increase the value of a home via remodels and additions.

We began this business with the idea that flexibility and innovation can still lead to a successful design business even in this market. As we demonstrated above there are opportunities to improve the market, responding to the shifting demands of the market is where real recovery lies. We are on the cutting edge of that real market based recovery. Join us and help to push Tucson and the nation forward to a healthy housing market.

1 comment:

  1. Can you reduce your own stress about your underwater mortgage by remodeling your home. Give us a call and let us take a look.
