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Saturday, March 17, 2012

A new Home Design Firm ????

Why start a new home design company in this economic environment?

Because no one is offering the service that we want to be capable of offering and that this economic environment requires for success. In order to move forward and bring suitable services to the market we have to abandon the classic style design firm. The classic notion of a design firm has an overhead that is funded by every project whether the services are required or not. In the environment of today, the market demands efficiency, flexibility, streamlining. Not only does this lower the fees to the end user, but it accelerates timelines as well, which in and of itself is a cost savings.

Builders in particular should be able to make use of our new capabilities. Often the design fees for a project are a portion of the contractors profit and overhead. We can reduce our impact on that portion of your fees. We can make contractors money by providing a streamlined and flexible service that only provides what is needed.

The question becomes this, what is sacrificed in the name of streamlining and efficiency? Nothing,... not one capability. We can provide excellence in design, accurate and detailed construction documents, beautiful renderings, 3D design, engineering, permit support, marketing materials, etc. We have everything the big guys have, except for the high fees.

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