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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More than just solar

 Sometimes we get stuck on a notion of what it means to be energy wise in our homes. Lately it seems that all of the focus is on how solar technology can be used. Don't get us wrong, we really are interested in bringing solar to practical commonplace use in homes, but there's more;

Geothermal heat pumps for instance use the constant temperatures below the surface to create highly efficient heat pump systems.

With the reduction in operating costs, and the tax incentives, plus the utility company incentives, why wouldn't you consider using geothermal just from a financial viewpoint. For a typical 3000 s.f. house with 7.5 tons of air conditioning for the Tucson environment, the installed cost of the system may be $18,000. But the Federal tax incentive at 30% plus the TEP credit at $500 per ton make the actual installed cost for the first year $8,850.

That same home on average will save about $2800 per year in heating and cooling costs. So the costs of installing the geothermal system will be paid for in just over three years. REMARKABLE!, and we haven't even touched on the environmentally friendly nature of the system.

Geothermal is just one of the options that we can review with you as you decide which direction to take on your project. Just another way that we are responding to the ever changing home ownership market.

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