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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lead, follow or get out of the way

The title is of course in jest, but it does illustrate a point. There are those who are reactionary and those who are proactive. The proactive people are leading their businesses and clients into the future by studying and understanding market trends. These are the people who can help you capture the most value for your investment.

The housing market in the southwest is volitile since the bubble burst. Existing home values are still dropping in Arizona. Construction costs at or near where they were five years ago. It literally costs more to build your dream home than you can buy an existing house. Everyone knows that part. But, we study the markets in private and government publications daily so that we understand what the market is doing at this moment. We proactively seek out ways to help people Bring their Dreams to Life.

While each individual client has different needs, there are some generalizations we can make about the housing market. Our observation for today, March 29, 2012, is that existing home sales have dropped over the past couple of months. That indicates that there is an increasing value in purchasing an existing home. There are properties for sale right now that are so extraordiary that they can't be ignored. The price of existing housing is so low right now, you should be looking for the property, views, location and services that you want. We're not recommending building lots at this time, no, in fact we are do the opposite. There is a great deal of value in buying an existing home that while it may not be perfect in itself it has the great views and a big lot and perfect location. That area of town that you thought you couldn't afford has opened itself up to you. Use your leverage in this market to buy that home, cheap, well under what you have budgeted. Then you can put the rest of your budget to remodel and make that home perfect.
This housing market offers those with means an unprecedented opportunity to create a wonderful, perfect home for far less than they thought they might spend. Buy it, and remodel it before you move in. That's the smart play in todays market. Right now, shoot for the moon, shop big, dream big.

We'll keep watching the publications and indicators, and from time to time we'll let you know what the best bet is for the market we're in at the moment.

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